Corrective Hair Solutions Full Service Salon Specializing In High Quality Women's Wigs and Top Pieces We can help you look your very best! | 570-347-6951 | 965 Winton St. Dunmore OPEN Tuesday & Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm, Thursday 9am - 7pm, and Friday 9am - 4pm, Saturday By Appt Only KATHY POPE'S HAIR FASHIONS Corrective Hair Solutions Full Service Salon Specializing In High Quality Women's Wigs and Top Pieces We can help you look your very best ! | 570-347-6951 | 965 Winton St. Dunmore OPEN Tuesday & Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm , Thursday 9am - 7pm , and Friday 9am - 4pm , Saturday By Appt Only KATHY POPE'S HAIR FASHIONS